Applications are now being accepted for NCA’s Research Cultivation Grants, Advancing the Discipline Grants, and grants funded by the Dale Leathers Fund to Promote Communication Studies in Emerging Democracies. The application deadline for all grants is October 1, 2022. Grant recipients will be notified in mid-November, and projects are expected to begin January 1, 2023.
Research Cultivation Grants (RCG) facilitate first-time grant-seeking for those without prior grant experience and/or those desiring to build a foundation for future grant pursuits. RCG-funded projects should propose innovative research (such as understudied domains, novel or creative methodologies), focus on internationalization (focused on historically marginalized groups in non-U.S. contexts, for example), and/or focus on engaged scholarship (such as research mobilized in non-academic contexts of pressing social, civic, and ethical concerns, or that translates communication theory into practice). Applicants may seek support up to $15,000.
Advancing the Discipline Grants fund projects and events that support work that is focused on the discipline itself. All funded activities align with the goals of NCA's strategic plan and have widespread impact that reaches beyond a single department, campus, or NCA unit. Applicants may seek one-time funding not to exceed $5,000.
Named for NCA’s 78th President, the Dale G. Leathers Memorial Fund Grants promote scholarship and teaching in Communication Studies to benefit emerging democracies and their peoples. The Leathers Award varies from year to year but has recently been between $500 and $650.
To learn more about NCA’s grant opportunities or to apply for an NCA grant, please visit the NCA Grant Opportunities webpage.
Questions about NCA’s grant programs should be addressed to academic@natcom.org.