Remembering Tom Burkholder
By Joe Valenzano
On Oct. 26, Tom Burkholder passed away. Tom retired from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he was an associate professor and a two-time chairperson. Prior to his time at UNLV, Tom taught at Southwest Texas State. He was widely known in the basic communication course community as well as the debate community. Tom earned his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas and was an accomplished rhetorical scholar. His publications included works on 19th century U.S. public addresses, women's suffrage, and presidential rhetoric.
New Research on Morality in Gaming
Writing in the Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, Emory Stephen Daniel Jr., Appalachian State University, examines factors that influence how players approach moral decision-making in video games in his article, “Morality inside the matrix: A qualitative exploration of gamers’ moral considerations in video games.” Email Dr. Daniel Jr. at danieles@appstate.edu for a full article request.