June NCA Speaker Series Recap
In light of NCA’s summer event cancellations due to COVID-19, NCA released four online seminars in June as part of a special speaker series. Each seminar contains five videos aimed at offering faculty and students the opportunity to learn about new and different directions in Communication research and teaching. Seminar titles and leaders are listed below, with links to NCA’s YouTube playlist for each seminar. Seminar videos and readings are currently available on the NCA website and will be available in perpetuity for use in classroom teaching and for other teaching and learning purposes. Thank you to the seminar leaders who took time to share their expertise!
Learning the Three C’s: Becoming a Competent Classroom Communicator
Scott A. Myers
Professor, Chair, and Peggy Rardin McConnell Endowed Teaching Chair
Department of Communication Studies
West Virginia University
Amy D. Clark
Professor and Chair, Department of Communication Studies
Co-Director, Center for Appalachian Studies
Director, Appalachian Writing Project
University of Virginia's College at Wise
Is That How They See Me?”: Discussing Media Representations of Marginalized Groups
Richard T. Craig
Associate Professor, Department of Communication
Director, Master's Program
George Mason University
Extending and Expanding Notions of “Family” in the Interpersonal and Family Communication Classroom
Jimmie Manning
Chair and Professor, Communication Studies
School of Social Research & Justice Studies
University of Nevada, Reno