Deadline Nearing to Apply for NCA Grant Opportunities
September 5, 2019
- Advancing the Discipline Grants
One-time grant awards of up to $5,000 for projects that align with the goals of NCA’s strategic plan and have widespread impact beyond a single individual, department, campus, or NCA unit. The deadline to apply is October 1. More about the Advancing the Discipline grant program and directions for applying can be found here.
- The Dale G. Leathers Memorial Fund to Promote Communication Studies in Emerging Democracies
The Dale G. Leathers Memorial Fund provides grants for Communication Studies projects that benefit emerging democracies and their peoples. The deadline to apply is October 1. More about the Leathers grant program and directions for how to apply can be found here.
For more information on NCA’s grant opportunities, email LaKesha Anderson, Director of Academic and Professional Affairs, at landerson@natcom.org.